How Long Does Physical Therapy Last for Low Back Pain?

Find out how long physical therapy lasts for low back pain and how it can help reduce chronic pain and improve mobility.

How Long Does Physical Therapy Last for Low Back Pain?

Depending on the severity of the injury or the number of muscle fibers affected, the healing process can range from three weeks to 12 months. However, physical therapy should never go from being uncomfortable and painful to being excruciatingly painful. The moment you start to experience real pain is the time you should stop your physical therapy regimen and consult with your therapist. You may need to modify your regimen to achieve your goals without creating pain or causing more harm.

Physical therapy, when done correctly by a certified physical therapist, should not cause any pain. It is important to pay attention to any unusual pain in your body. While it is normal to feel some discomfort after treatment, the pain should subside within 24 to 48 hours. It is helpful to keep track of how you feel after each physical therapy session and accurately describe any discomfort, pain, or soreness.

Pain can occur when muscles tense and weaken after physical therapy or stretching, when lactic acid builds up and causes irritation. Physical therapy is often one of the best options for those who suffer from long-term pain (also known as chronic pain) or an injury. It can help strengthen the body and improve mobility and overall wellbeing. When selecting a physical therapist, look for one who has experience with many of the latest approaches, techniques, and technologies for treating your specific issue.

The American Physical Therapy Association states that sore muscles tend to feel tight and sore when at rest and burning and fatigued during exercise. To get a definitive answer to “How long does physical therapy last for low back pain?” it is best to consult with your doctor about the expected recovery time. If burning later develops into swelling and inflammation, it is important to speak with a physical therapist or personal physician. One of the main reasons people delay physical therapy is due to fear that it will cause or worsen pain.The role of a physical therapist is to assist in the recovery process by helping regain full mobility in the injured area or part of the body and by reducing blood flow restriction.

You may experience a muscle spasm which can be relieved with ice and rest (you may consider using a neck brace if recommended by your doctor). As with many other injuries on this list, the physical therapy schedule for an ankle sprain largely depends on the extent of the sprain. However, because you will be using parts of your body that are injured or have chronic pain, physical therapy can be challenging.First, because these injuries require doctors to place a cast or boot in the area, physical therapy plays an essential role in restoring mobility after the cast has been removed. A typical physical therapy session usually lasts about an hour and remains consistent throughout the program.