Can Physical Therapy Reduce Inflammation and Pain?

Physical therapy is a popular option for people who suffer from chronic inflammation. Learn how physical therapy can help reduce or even eliminate pain caused by inflammation.

Can Physical Therapy Reduce Inflammation and Pain?

Swelling is a common side effect of physical therapy. As your therapist works to strengthen your muscles, ligaments, and tendons, your body may respond with increased edema or swelling. This can cause additional pain and functional limitations. If you're dealing with frequent or chronic pain, you're likely familiar with the role inflammation can play in your experience.Reducing inflammation can help minimize everyday discomfort.

Physical therapy is a popular option for people who suffer from chronic inflammation. Over-the-counter treatments for muscle pain may not be effective for inflammation, so it's important to seek help from an experienced therapist.Injuries or lifestyle choices can cause muscle inflammation. Chronic inflammation is also linked to various body health problems. Different types of physical therapy programs have been shown to be effective in reducing inflammation.

The patient's condition, the affected area, and the cause of the inflammatory response will determine the exact treatment plan.Changing your diet is a good start, but it may not be enough to eliminate ongoing inflammation and pain.

Physical therapy

can help reduce or even eliminate the pain you experience. A physical therapist can use several methods, such as manual therapy, dry needling, ultrasound treatments, heat or ice therapy, and stretching and movement exercises that you can do at home.Eating well, along with reduced stress and adequate exercise, can help correct inflammation and chronic pain. To learn more about how nutritional services can benefit you, contact Sports and Orthopedic Therapy Services today and schedule a consultation with one of our physical therapists.

Our team will work together to try to prevent or minimize inflammation and swelling as much as possible.Regular exercise also lowers levels of the bad protein called TNF alpha, which causes inflammation. Therefore, anti-inflammatory modalities could be part of a therapeutic strategy together with physical therapy to treat chronic disorders. However, their use should be carefully selected based on scientific evidence.Inflammation and muscle regeneration are closely interconnected through complex cellular, physical, and chemical interactions. As the population of older people grows, physical therapists will increasingly face complex local and systemic inflammatory conditions.In addition to stretching or strengthening techniques, physical therapists are also trained in pain management techniques such as heat, ice, and electrical methods to help minimize lasting pain or increased swelling after a therapy session.

During a physical therapy session, the therapist uses heat or cold therapy for long-term results.If pain remains a major problem during treatment after necessary modifications and the use of modalities, the team of doctors, physician assistants, therapists and nurses at Rockford Orthopaedic communicate and work together to find other options if needed. You should seek the help of a physical therapist if you find it difficult to do your usual activities.